One Week Living (Mostly) Plastic Free

It’s Monday and I’m officially one week into this zero-waste journey.

How have I done?

Pretty good, I would say. There were definitely times where I felt frustrated, or really wanted a coffee, drink or treat even though it would mean plastic trash - but I’ve withheld!

And what’s more, I can see that it will only get easier.

What have I learned this week? Well, these are a few key reminders:

  1. Plan - Know what you’re going to do before you leave the house, then stick to it.

  2. Prepare - I like to put everything together the night before so in the morning when I’m rushing to get to work, I’m not forgetting my trusty coffee mug.

  3. Ability to say “no” - People want to share, but sometimes this means turning down an individually wrapped cookie. And that’s OK. Your stomach and the environment will thank you later.

Through this week I have thrown some things a way. But this isn’t about being perfect, it’s about building habits.

Here’s my waste count for the past week:

  • Monday, April 22: Paper plate and plastic fork.

  • Tuesday, April 23: Packaging from Trader Joe’s pizza

  • Wednesday, April 24: 4-5 paper towels from washing my hands.

  • Thursday, April 25: RX bar wrapper. Bought this who-knows-how-long-ago, and didn’t have time to eat breakfast. Also, probably 4 paper towels from washing my hands.

  • Friday, April 26: 2 paper towels.

  • Saturday, April 27: Plastic wrapping around flowers. This one kind of hurt my heart, but I haven’t seen store bought flowers without plastic.

  • Sunday, April 28: Nothing - though I did create some food waste while doing lunch prep.

  • Monday, April 29: Plastic bag containing trail mix I bought a while ago. As a vegetarian, I rely on trail mix, but this is an easy one and I will just buy my gorp from the bulk aisle.

One Week Recap Plastic Free