Weekly Waste: The Second Week is the Hardest

This past week was a tough one in the zero-waste, plastic-free life.

My trash count was definitely higher than the previous week. My major mess up? I didn’t prepare well and ended up using a single-use (and plastic) plate and fork. 😑

🍴Can we talk about single-use dinnerware at restaurants in particular?

I’ve been to several restaurants that have great food and even great service, yet they decide to serve your food on disposable plates using plastic silverware. It makes no sense to me. Sure, maybe you save some money because you don’t have to invest in a system to wash plates and forks, but the cost to the environment is pretty unconscionable.

Lesson learned. I guess I won’t be getting potato tacos again. 🌮

What else is in my waste jar for week two?

  1. Trader Joes Granola Bag - I bought this before going zero-waste. It’s such a great breakfast option, but I’m sure I can find something comparable in the bulk aisle.

  2. Outdoor Voices Clothing Bags - I’m headed out on trip soon and needed some new yoga clothes. I love Outdoor Voices and in fact the shipping was pretty great on these items. They use a paper shipping envelope but the clothes themselves were in individual plastic bags.

  3. Clothing tags - tiny, but these contribute to all the microplastics we’re finding in the ocean and animals.

  4. Tortilla bag - I finally finished off the last of my tortillas that I bought from before going plastic-free. This bag could probably be reused for something, so I’ll keep it around. Now I need to find a good tortilla recipe!

  5. Fork from dinner at work - We have to bring our own plates and silverware to work, and after a long day, I forgot to bring one to a work-provided dinner and so I had to use what was there.

  6. Plate from taco lunch - I didn’t actually keep the plate, so I have a stand-in in the photo below. Why are we still using plastic plates?

  7. Aluminum chocolate wrappers - Not plastic, so better, but these little wrappers can’t be recycled.

For the upcoming week, I’m going to work on being more prepared. Bringing my supplies with me so I don’t get caught without them. Also, I’m going to do more food prep so I can eat things I enjoy and not create plastic waste.

Are you on a plastic-free or zero-waste journey? How’s it going for you?